On Sunday 23 September I preached my first "church sermon". This was at St. John's church in Bothasig (Reach SA). I must keep reminding myself that this is no more significant than what I do every other week at the Richwood outreach. But it still felt special and I do consider it an honour to have been asked. It was part of a sermon series on 2 Timothy. The idea was to give young adults in the church the opportunity to grow as leaders.
I drew much on what I had learnt in the TIM course which I did four years ago. When I had completed that course, the person who led it told me to "fan the flame" (2 Timothy 1:6). So there was a special significance for me to preach for the first time from 2 Timothy. By God's grace alone I am able to fan the flame.
I had unimaginatively entitled the sermon Keep Focus. The feedback which I received was overwhelmingly positive, for which I thank the Spirit. You can download an audio recording of the sermon here (or here). The script is available here.
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