Quote 03/13

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Jacobus Arminius
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The following quote is from Jacobus (James) Arminius where he addresses his opponents and how they misrepresent his position:

It is aspecies of injustice to attach to any person those consequences, which one may frame out of his words as if they were his sentiments. But the injustice is still more flagrant, if these conclusions cannot by good consequence be deduced from what he has said. Let my brethren, therefore, make the experiment, whether they can deduce such consectaries as these, from the things which I teach; but let the experiment be made in my company, and not by themselves in their own circle. For that sport will be vain, equally void of profit or of victory; as boys sometimes feel, when they play alone with dice for what already belongs to them.

Jacobus Arminius, Works of James Arminius Vol. 1, Wesleyan Heritage Collection, pp. 314, 315
