Recently I changed the way I do my daily prayers for the first time in a very long time. I reached a point where I could not fit everything into my personal Bible study time anymore: it was taking too much time. Of course, I would like to spend a lot of time every day in prayer, but I also have responsibilities which I have a fulfil.
I recently heard someone speak about how he does his prayers and I decided to try that out for a while. Basically, you choose for yourself seven "categories" (e.g. "family", "church", "self", "mission work") and focus on one category each day. Of course one should not be inflexible with this method: if a crisis arises, do not put it off until the set day: pray as the need requires!
So far it seems to be working for me: my prayers are more focused and I can get started earlier in the day. I still need to find a way to be more effective with my personal Bible study as a whole, but that is another exercise.
Another good practise is to keep a prayer journal to jot down needs are you come across them. Recording your prayers on paper can also be a focused and intimate experience.
Prayer is a very personal thing1, but praying together is also very powerful2. Consider finding one or two people who you know well, can trust and can open up with, and start a prayer group with them. When there is need, you should be available to pray for each other no matter what. Doing this will form strong bonds between you, but will also require wisdom. This year we decided in our Bible study group to open up to each other for prayer request.
These are just a few quick thoughts that I have put down. I got them from several different places and people: I have not yet made a study into praying practises. What I have suggested may work for you, or it may not. Speak to your friends and pastor and hear what they have to say. It would also be great if you could share how you do your daily prayers by leaving a comment below.
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