On 9 February 2014 I again had the privilege to preach at St. John's church in Bothasig. The topic was "Love Is...". This was the first in a series which we are presenting love and relationships in February, the so-called "month of love". This is a message which I have been wanting to give for a long time and I am happy to have finally been able to do so. It also challenged me greatly. The text was 1 Corinthians 13.
- Audio (OGG) (6.4 MB)
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- Slides (PDF) (5.8 MB)
Truth of love
This sermon is truthful to the Word of God. (Of how I understand the message).
Thank you
Thank you, Francois. I always try to stay true to the Word of God. If I am ever not truthful, then I need to be called out on that.
The Love of Christ
If I had more time, I would have loved to have fleshed out the love of Christ and how His relationship with us works in the way Timothy Keller did in this talk: