Tonight we had the annual general meeting (AGM) for TBT for 2009. Looking through the handout which briefly explains the events and activities of the year, I realize again how many initiatives TBT are involved in! It was one of the things that stood out for me when last year I started attending TBT regularly: for such a comparatively small church, it has a lot of energy, enthusiasm and zeal. A large part of the congregation is involved in these initiatives and that gives one a true sense of "community church". Hopefully I can get more involved in this new administrative year.
Evangelism was what was said we should focus on this year. It is something that has been weighing heavily on my since MYC. It is something I am both excited about and terrified of. My solace comes from knowing that it is not up to me: I merely need to deliver a message and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. But I still fear making a mess of things. Please pray for me in this respect.
Every year brings new lessons. Hopefully both TBT and I learned much from the year past and will be prepared for the lessons of the year ahead.
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