I unfortunately have to announce what is probably going to be the first in a long line of delays with the Bible studies.
I have been back from holiday for nearly two weeks now. The holiday was great: I got to get away a bit and play in the ocean and returned really relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on the year. This was evidently necessary, as I hit the ground running after I got back. I've been rather busy; I hope the admin and side stuff abates soon, but this entire year feels like it has been turned up on its head and scrunched up by the World Cup.
I had hoped to finish my study of Ephesians during the holiday, that did not quite happen. :-$ I feel that I did get off to a good start, however, and am eager to continue. But I have decided to rather not rush it: this is something I feel is important and I want to do it properly. Until then, I beg you patience...
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