The past weekend (wait, what do you mean it's weekend again already??) we had the Equip 2010 conference. It was great, really great... so much so that, 4 days after it, I'm still a little in denial that it is over!
Equip is the amalgamation of the previous years' MYCs and YAECs. This year, just like MYC last year, it was held at Rocklands, in Simonstown. Rocklands is a beautiful camp ground and certainly ranks amongst my personal favourites.
This year our speaker was William Taylor from St Helens in Bishop's Gate, London. It was a privilege to hear him speak: he is certainly gifted and blessed by the Holy Spirit! He took us through Luke 4–6: "Jesus' Manifesto". It was very encouraging and and even more challenging!
This was the second conference of this type that I attended, so I was in a "Strand 2" workshop, in which we looked at analysing a Bible passage from the Old Testament. The passage given to us was really challenging and it brought to light how careful one must be when reading the Bible: one can very easily draw lines where there are no connections. But such is the human condition, often, and we need to "equipped" properly.
I am looking forward to doing "systematic theology" next year in Strand 3. The "third years" this year looked at the topic of Slavery in the Bible: something I would have found very interesting.
The elective which I followed was entitled "Serving Your Church". Having gone through it and interacting with other people in the group, I am thankful for the structures which we have in place at TBT for the students to serve the church. Still, there is still a lot more which I can do to contribute and the elective was a challenge.
And, yes, what more remains to be said? You had to be there. :-P Good fellowship, good encouragement, good challenges, good food... hope to see you there next year!
Tomorrow I'm attending the Boland Men's Convention. I'm really looking forward to it! William Taylor will be speaking there as well.
If you couldn't make Equip or the Boland Men's Convention, you have two last chances to see William Taylor: he will be preaching at the morning and evening services at TBT. Everybody is welcome! :-D
Lunch Talks has also started again for the term. Remember: every Wednesday, 13:00–13:40 in the Regter Van Zijl Hall (newly remodelled!) in the Neelsie student centre. This term the speakers will be giving a broad overview of the New Testament.
Oh, one last thing: TBT has a new Stellenbosch University society website! Go check it out at http://www.sun.ac.za/tbt/!
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