
Posts relating to different conferences.

Festival of Thought 2018

Festival of Thought logo
Read time: 4 minutes

Last week the Festival of Thought was hosted in Cape Town and Stellenbosch. The festival is a wonderful initiative by RZIM, aimed at students and the business world, to discuss the big questions in life, such as meaning and morality. With more than a dozen local and international speakers, and around 100 events across five metropolitans or campuses, this was a huge effort which was a wonderful opportunity for people to gain some insights into contemporary debates and engage with others in open, honest and civil discussion. Read more …



Equip 2018

Equip logo
Read time: 4 minutes

From 29 March until 2 April 2018, I once again had the privilege to attend the Equip Easter Conference at the beautiful Rocklands in Simon's Town. Our speaker this year was Richard Coekin from Dundonald in London. Apart from his involvement with Dundonald, he is also the director of the Co-Mission Church Planting Initiative, which has done incredible work in some difficult mission fields. Read more …



Equip 2012

Equip Logo
Read time: 4 minutes

Over the Easter weekend I attended the Equip Easter convention. I have been attending Equip for the past three years and always enjoy it for the opportunities which it presents to learn to study the Bible, as well as talks, other workshops and the fellowship. I am happy to say that this year, like the others, was great! Read more …



Equip 2011

Read time: 3 minutes

I returned from Equip 2011 today. As always, it was a wonderful experience and difficult to leave such a peaceful place of fellowship, but we were encouraged to go into the world and fulfill our duty to preach the gospel in it.

Our speaker this year was Andrew Sach from St Helens in Bishop's Gate, London. He took us through the book of Exodus, showing us a bit of who God is and how we are to relate to Him. It was a great study and I got more out of it than I expected I would! Read more …



Seven Arguments in Support of the Existence of God

The Blue Marble
Read time: 14 minutes

Recently a controversial blasphemy poster campaign was launched in New Zealand. The campaign slogan is "Religion is Garbage", and while it is aimed at all religions and religious denominations, it especially targets Christianity (including cults, hypocrisies and what I am going to call "objective Christianity"). Due to the nature (and intent) of this campaign, there has been much discussion around it. In response to the many, many commentators who appear to express what I can only call flippant atheistic views, I thought it good to respond by summarising a talk which William Lane Craig gave at an apologetics conference in Cape Town earlier this year (something which I have been wanting to do for some time now anyway). What follows below is my summary of his seven points for claiming that it is reasonable to believe in God, and not just any god, but the God of the Bible. Read more …



Report back from Equip 2010

Read time: 3 minutes

The past weekend (wait, what do you mean it's weekend again already??) we had the Equip 2010 conference. It was great, really great... so much so that, 4 days after it, I'm still a little in denial that it is over!

Equip is the amalgamation of the previous years' MYCs and YAECs. This year, just like MYC last year, it was held at Rocklands, in Simonstown. Rocklands is a beautiful camp ground and certainly ranks amongst my personal favourites. Read more …


Going to Equip 2010

Read time: 1 minute

So I'm off to Equip 2010 in a few minutes. Hoping for some good teaching and fellowship there. If you are interested, Saturday is open day. Check the Facebook page for details. Have a good Passover and Pesach! Read more …


Boland Men's Convention 2010

Read time: 1 minute

It seems like everything has been squeezed into the month of April this year... which means that it is going to be an awesome month! :-) The Boland Men's Convention will be held on the 10th of April. The speaker this year is William Taylor from St Helens in London. He will be presenting a series of talks on Hebrews 11:

You are invited to join us as we are challenged to re-look at our understanding of "Faith" and the important base it forms to a life of Victory.



Equip 2010

Read time: 1 minute

Ok, this announcement is a bit late, but there are still some space left. This year, the annual Young Adults' Easter Convention and the Mid-Year Conference (MYC) have been merged into one convention called “Equip”. It will be held from the 1st to the 5th of April (the Easter weekend) at Rocklands in Simonstown and will have the same format as MYC. The guest speaker will be William Taylor from the UK, who will be taking us through Luke 4–6. The cost is R600, and all registrations are done at Read more …


Report on MYC 2009

Read time: 5 minutes

From Wednesday the 15th to Sunday the 19th the annual MYC was held. This year it was held at Rocklands in Simonstown. This was the first time I ever attended MYC and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We were at a wonderful location, had awesome weather, great teachers, old friends to see again and very cool people to meet!

MYC is held yearly and was organised largely by St Paul's, the church I attend in Stellenbosch. This year it was comprised of Bible teachings, workshops and electives. But we still had a lot of time for fun. :-) Read more …


Going to MYC 2009

Read time: 1 minute

I'm off today on a week-long holiday, most of which will be spent at this year's Mid Year Conference in Simonstown. I hope to add some content to this site after I get back and also give a report of the conference. Read more …
