I have signed up to take part in a mission. The church I am at periodically has outreaches to the children in Hermanus, a popular sea-side town here in the Western Cape.
This will be my first mission ever. Missions can be taxing and time consuming and until this point I have not felt ready to take on a mission. At this point in time I have a lot of work to do, but I also do need a break and my time at TBT might come to an end soon, so I've decided to take the plunge. While I know that missions aren't restful, I do hope that the change of scenery will revitalise me a bit.
We shall be working with children who are still in primary school. While I am concerned that I have no experience working with children, I do look forward to this opportunity to learn, especially as the people whom I shall be going with have some experience. I am also hoping that this will be an opportunity for me to give back: this website is named in honour of a "kids' club" which I attended for three years. I grew much and was spiritually nurtured there. The other day I was telling a friend about it and I reflected: the youth workers generally sacrificed a year (or more) to work at that church and offered up every Friday and Saturday evening during the term to take care of the various youth-orientated ministries at that church. So giving up a week from my side pales in comparison, but I hope to at least glimpse at some of the joys and—perhaps—sorrows of working with young children.
We'll start in two weeks' time and the mission will run for a week.
Update:: I have also added a new map of 1st century Jerusalem.
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