I want to thank you, my readers, for this past year. On numerous occasions have I been humbled to hear from people who read this blog and find encouragement in it. It makes me realise that I am not just yelling out into a void, but that people are hearing what I have to say, al be it often quietly so. That is an incredible feeling. So thank you again. As long as God gives me the strength to continue, I shall. (And, remember, your feedback is always welcome!)
Reflecting on 2013 over the past week I have realised that this year, on a whole, has been difficult and challenging for me. Of course there were highs. But I have come to realise how much responsibility I have in my life. Living up to those responsibilities will continue into the new year. By God's grace I shall be able to press through. I look forward to when we shall all be together and rejoicing in our ultimate Rest. For now I do take courage in the people who are in my life. I have had to come to terms anew that God takes people out of your life, but then bring new ones in. We should not dwell on this too much. Our roles in the lives of others may seem imperceptible to us, but it is definitely not insignificant. And so my wish for the new year is that you, my reader, shall be attentive to how God wants to use you in the lives of others.
Soli Deo gloria!
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