This is just a brief note to my readers to wish them a happy and blessed new calendar year!
The year 2012 has been a mixed bag of fortunes for me. But when I think about what upset and concerned me most, I see earthly desires peering through the cracks. Of this I am ashamed: that I could not be more trusting, and more reflecting on what God wants, rather than what I want. I pray that in the new year God will not allow me to dwell on idols, but seek His kingdom. May my, and your, prayers not be hindered.
My blessings this year included finally graduating my M.Sc. in Computer Science after a lengthy study term. I have also been blessed at work, even though it has also been challenging and trying at times. I have also been blessed with appreciations for family, new friendships, and old friendships reaffirmed. How can one man be so blessed? Surely it is more than the food and clothes that my body needs? And what have I done to deserve it but be a sinful man in need of redemption?
The biggest surprise this year has been the call to a mercy ministry at church. For the most part of the year I have been handling the preaching aspect of a fortnightly outreach to a small informal settlement close to the church which I attend. It has been humbling in several ways. First getting to know people who live in great poverty, the strength that they have and how they persevere, but also their struggles and despairs. Second how the Holy Spirit has guided me, sometimes through failings which are my own, to speak what my audience needed to hear. God's word will go out, and my failings won't stop it! Perhaps I shall write more on this ministry another time, when I have reflected more on it. In the year to come I aim to continue this ministry, and perhaps begin with others as God presents me with opportunities.
This year I relaunched this website and have been humbled and inspired by the feedback which I get from my readers. Thank you to you all! In the year to come I hope to—through the grace of the Holy Spirit—expand with more thought-provoking and challenging articles, as well as hoping to inspire and encourage.
And that is it! I do not feel particularly profound today, hence the brief note. Please be safe and responsible in your celebrations (if any) tonight and remember that the only One who knows exactly what the future holds for you if God, so honour and glorify Him!
Grace & peace
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