Just a quick update to let everyone know that I, and this website, are still alive! I missed my 1 September deadline for handing in my thesis, and the pressure is on. I also have a lot going on apart from work and studying.
I have, however, been thinking about this website lately. I want to take it in a slightly different direction. Rather than beating myself up because I feel like I need to steer it in a certain direction but don't get to it (as I have been doing for the past two years), I rather want it to follow me where I go. As I believe my audience is at present meager at best, this is only sensible. I have many different things on my mind: from evangelism to apologetics to deep introspection. I want to explore these things thoroughly, in a structured way. And, if the Spirit reveals anything to me on these journeys, I want to share them. That sort of was the idea with this website when I started it, but I got distracted by the backlog, and the guilt of not being able to clear it.
What I have in mind now, is to be less strict and to be sporadic, if necessary. I am thinking of restructuring a bit (although I am not planning on removing any content). I might even (but I am not making any promises!) change the look of the website. And, finally, I want to make use of the blog more. The blog has been what has been keeping this website alive for a while already. I trust that it will remain an important part, but will soon not be the only thing worth visiting the Café for.
So, I believe there are exciting times ahead. I trust that God will grant these things. I just need to finish this thesis. The thesis is something God wants to use to teach me a lesson; one in patience, submission and humility. But perhaps I have not been hearing, not listening...
Stay tuned.
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