Another Map

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"News" is that, two weeks ago, I added another map—I just never got around to announcing it. :-P The map shows the boundaries of the kingdom of Herod I "The Great".

It also shows Herod's fortified cities, the cities which eventually comprised the Decapolis and the borders of the modern day state of Israel. Herod I lived when Yeshua was born and ordered the Massacre of the Innocents (see Matthew 2:1-23(link is external)). The map can be found here(link is external). This is the last of the public domain SVG maps I had which I had to translate into English. Unless I can find more maps, I'll probably (at some distant point in time) reuse the maps I already have to make new ones.

Things have started getting really busy for me. Unfortunately this means that I'm going to have to scale my activity on this website down even further; for a few weeks at least. But, rest assured, some updates will still trickle through: on Wednesday I am giving another TIM talk, so I'll put that up when I'm finished.
