Traveling Again

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The past few weeks have been quite busy for me, hence I was not able to write a new article. My work has now sent me back to Belgium. I am going to be here for the next four weeks.

In a sense I hope that this will give me some time for prayer and reflection like I have not had in the past few weeks. I am going to post a couple of shorter articles about things which came out of this year's Equip conference which have stayed with me. I also hope to write a longer article about Christians and politics.

I have also been given the opportunity to do a presentation on a theological topic to a group of people who meet regularly in Stellenbosch. My intention is to share that here as well once it has been completed.

Thank you for your continued support in reading the blog! I would appreciate your prayers for while I am away, that work will be productive, my endeavours and preparation fruitful, and that I'll see many new things and learn from this milieu.

