
The Problem of Prayer

Read time: 10 minutes

Many people—Christian or otherwise—will at some point wonder about the "problem of prayer". The "problem of prayer" asks whether there is any point to prayer: God knows everything, including the future, so why bother to pray? If everything is already predetermined, how can prayer change God's mind?

This problem can be further compounded by a perceived "lack of answers" to prayer.

In this article, I aim to briefly address these two concerns and describe why a Christian should not be distressed about either of them. Read more …



An Introduction to Molinism

Natural, middle and free knowledge illustrated in relation to the divine creative decree
Read time: 1 minute

Last year a friend of mine, together with some of her friends, started a group with the purpose of having theological discussions. The idea was to model it on L'Abri, where no questions or topics were off limits and honest, sincere discussions are encouraged. Read more …

