The Nature of Evil

Stone carved demon
Read time: 10 minutes

On one particular day during my time in primary school, I was in art class1. This alien environment was in a basement, bathed in the strange smells of pastel chalks and powdered paint. But on this day we were not drawing: the teacher had asked us the very inane question of what are colours. "Red", said one, "blue", another, "green", "yellow", "white", "purple", "pink", "black", "turquoise" (ooh!), "brown"... The kid in class who was known for his excellent drawing skills was quiet, until we became quiet. "I think that they are all colours, except for white and black." "What rubbish," thought I. Then he explained that white is the composite of all primary colours (so a kind of super-colour), and black the absence of any colour. The teacher was pleased with this answer, and the discussion continued around primary and secondary colours2. Read more …



The Problem of Prayer

Read time: 10 minutes

Many people—Christian or otherwise—will at some point wonder about the "problem of prayer". The "problem of prayer" asks whether there is any point to prayer: God knows everything, including the future, so why bother to pray? If everything is already predetermined, how can prayer change God's mind?

This problem can be further compounded by a perceived "lack of answers" to prayer.

In this article, I aim to briefly address these two concerns and describe why a Christian should not be distressed about either of them. Read more …



Christian: Beware Labels

Protesters marching
Read time: 5 minutes

The world seems to be becoming an angrier place. As tensions flare in the U.S.A., other countries become infected as people internalise what is happening there; a kind of life-and-death struggle for the soul of the Western world.

This is, of course, not so, and whether the U.S.A. goes off in a "good" or a "bad" direction, the course of human history has shown us that nothing is permanent and that whatever the outcome, that too, will eventually change.

But despite what happens across the Atlantic, my intention in this article is to warn the reader not to get caught up in this anger. Read more …



A Thousand Words Too Few

Read time: 5 minutes

In an age where it is easy to find information—indeed, these days information comes to you unsolicited—and easy to propagate, how carefully do we think about the information that comes to us, and that we share? In this article I explore the pitfalls of "meme" culture. Read more …



Arguing from Silence: The Events Surrounding the Resurrection

The Fall of Jerusalem
Read time: 6 minutes

A complaint which one hears from time to time, is how events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are not attested in sources outside of the Bible. For example, a great darkness came over the land (Luke 23:44) and there was an earthquake (Matthew 27:54; also Matthew 28:2). Read more …



A Case Study of Attentive Bible Reading: The Myth of Good King Solomon

The wise judgement of king Solomon
Read time: 12 minutes

In this article we are going to look at story of Solomon as an example of how subtle the Bible can be and how careful and holistically the Bible should be read in order to get the most meaning out of it, as intended by the authors. Read more …



What is the Bible?

An open Bible
Read time: 10 minutes

In my first article on this series on the Bible, I chiefly looked at reasons why I believe everyone should read the Bible. I briefly touched on what the Bible is. In this article I want to explore further what the Bible is, particularly to the Christian, as well as what the Bible is not. Read more …



Why You Should Read the Bible

Bible and glasses
Read time: 8 minutes

As we embark on a new calendar year, I want to begin with a series of articles about the Bible: what it is, how to read it, etc. In this first article in the series, I want to give some reasons why you, why anyone—whether Christian or not—should read the Bible. Read more …



Merry Christmas 2016

Evan Coons
Read time: 1 minute

Merry Christmas! This year I am unashamedly sharing a special message by Evan Coons, who was involved with For the Life of the World: Letters to the Exiles. Like other messages from FLOW, it is not only encouraging, but a call to action as well. In this video, we look at the examples of the Christ child and what we can learn from Him, namely:

  • Vulnerability
  • Humility
  • Presence



Can Justice Survive Modern Scepticism?

Bloody Knife
Read time: 9 minutes

In this article I am going to muse on what I think is happening to concepts such as truth and justice in the world such as ours. I am particularly going to consider that rise of extreme scepticism, and (almost contradictory) the possibility that pop culture can determine truth. Read more …



On Science, Part 4

DNA Strand
Read time: 3 minutes

This article is the last in my current series on science. I want to share one final thought on this debate. At the end I link to a set of slides which I presented to my Bible study group a couple of years ago. It does not have any notes and is not exhaustive, but does briefly capture many of the thoughts which I had shared in this series. Read more …



On Science, Part 3

CSIRO Parkes Observatory
Read time: 9 minutes

This is my third article in my series on science. In the previous article I looked at problems with contemporary science. While some might think such a harsh treatment meant that I am anti-science, the opposite is actually true. I am a trained scientist and I believe that science has opened up an amazing world to us. The fruits of science are apparent, and we need to pay attention to that. Read more …


