Wessel's blog


Read time: 1 minute

I unfortunately have to announce what is probably going to be the first in a long line of delays with the Bible studies. Read more …


Crossword 2009

Read time: 1 minute

Just a quick note that registration is open for Crossword Youth Camp 2009! Crossword is a camp held yearly and draws mostly high school students and, other people who are young at heart, from the surrounding CESA churches. This year the theme is "Sure Thing". It will be held from the 14th to the 19th of December at the Paul Roos grounds in Stellenbosch. According to many people at TBT, Crossword is the event of the year! The web page can be found here. Read more …


TBT Theme Launch for 2010

Read time: 2 minutes

It's hard to believe, but 2009 is already finalised and wrapped up, and soon it will be put in storage along with all those other years past. But that process always has a flip side: planning and looking forward to the next year. In the week past, St Paul's and TBT launched their theme for 2010: Amazing Grace (a.k.a. "Putting 'Amazing' Back into Grace"). Read more …


A Week of Powerful Talks

Read time: 2 minutes

Over the past few days I had been privileged to be able to attend a few really good, powerful and challenging talks. It was like coming across a pleasant little oasis during a period of rough and demanding times. Read more …


Vijay Menon in Town

Read time: 1 minute

This week, Vijay Menon is in Stellenbosch. He is a former Hindu who converted to Christianity and has spent a number of years preaching the gospel. Born in India, he has spent much of his life in London (where he still lives) working as an engineer and is now retired. St. Read more …

Another Map

Read time: 1 minute

"News" is that, two weeks ago, I added another map—I just never got around to announcing it. :-P The map shows the boundaries of the kingdom of Herod I "The Great". Read more …


TBT AGM 2009

Read time: 2 minutes

Tonight we had the annual general meeting (AGM) for TBT for 2009. Looking through the handout which briefly explains the events and activities of the year, I realize again how many initiatives TBT are involved in! It was one of the things that stood out for me when last year I started attending TBT regularly: for such a comparatively small church, it has a lot of energy, enthusiasm and zeal. A large part of the congregation is involved in these initiatives and that gives one a true sense of "community church". Hopefully I can get more involved in this new administrative year. Read more …


New TIM Talk, New Maps

Read time: 1 minute

So I have recovered about 95% from my bout with the flu. Thank you to everyone who gave their well wishes! I just wish I had more to show for all that downtime... Read more …


Modus Operandi

Read time: 3 minutes

I was suppose to give another TIM talk today, but the flu got me.  It got me bad.  Luckily I'm over the worst of it.  Now it is just rest, rest, rest, rest, rest, rest, rest......  This is actually a great opportunity for me to do the things I can't/don't make time (or enough of it) for normally.  But I guess we'll have to see how my laziness, tiredness, eagerness and guilt balances out in the end. Read more …


Quoting the Bible

Read time: 3 minutes

Bible Text

It is generally a Good Idea to make sure that anything you do, no matter what it is, is legal before doing it. In that sense, quoting the Bible could be a bit of a Bad Idea. Read more …


Report on MYC 2009

Read time: 5 minutes

From Wednesday the 15th to Sunday the 19th the annual MYC was held. This year it was held at Rocklands in Simonstown. This was the first time I ever attended MYC and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We were at a wonderful location, had awesome weather, great teachers, old friends to see again and very cool people to meet!

MYC is held yearly and was organised largely by St Paul's, the church I attend in Stellenbosch. This year it was comprised of Bible teachings, workshops and electives. But we still had a lot of time for fun. :-) Read more …

